What to Expect

First Visit

Patient Forms The first time you come into the clinic there is paperwork to complete.  You can print off forms and complete them before you arrive. We ask patients to arrive about 20 minutes early for their first appointment to complete other new patient forms.    Consultation Next, you will have a consultation with Dr. …

Second Visit

Now that all of the paperwork is out of the way, your appointment will require less time.  At the beginning of every visit you will sign in on the kiosk and complete a brief questionnaire updating the doctor on your progress.  The front staff will escort you to a treatment room and the doctor will …

Phases of Recovery

PHASES OF CARE: Phase I: Pain Relief Phase Most of the people that see a chiropractor are experiencing pain.  They are looking for pain relief so they can return to their normal activities or pre-injury status.  During this phase of care, our goal is to reduce your symptoms.  To achieve this goal, you may require …