Phase I: Pain Relief Phase
Most of the people that see a chiropractor are experiencing pain. They are looking for pain relief so they can return to their normal activities or pre-injury status. During this phase of care, our goal is to reduce your symptoms. To achieve this goal, you may require daily visits or less to reduce and improve your state of pain.
A common misconception is that when the pain goes away healing has occurred. But often, after returning back to normal activities you find yourself experiencing pain again. However pain is usually one of the last symptoms to occur in an existing problem. Reducing pain doesn’t fix the problem. Take type 2 diabetes for example. Common signs and symptoms include: fatigue, weight loss, urination, thirst, slow healing, blurry vision, tingling/numbness, and/or burning pain in the hands or feet. The condition is present prior to the pain caused from nerve damage or swelling of the extremities. Although it may be beneficial for a person with type 2 diabetes to find pain relief, the condition is still present and needs management and treatment.
Allow yourself time to progress through the phases of care and get the best recovery we have to offer. The next phase is corrective.
Phase II: Corrective Phase
During this phase of care, we are aiming to correct the underlying problems. Your body needs to be stable to hold the adjustments; imbalances impede a full recovery. We will determine if there are weak or tight muscle groups and work on exercises for correction. The exercises may be done here at the clinic and/or at home. As stability is established, adjustments last longer and the frequency of visits decreases. Once stability is accomplished, the next phase is maintenance.
Phase III: Maintenance Phase
You are no longer experiencing the same symptoms, you are more stable, and now you can continue care as a maintenance patient. This is similar to getting a dental checkup or a tune-up on a car. You come in for a brief evaluation and get treatment if needed. A maintenance schedule is developed to suit your needs. A key to staying healthy is to keep your body in motion.